
View the Project on GitHub xinyee20/ip

User Guide

Overwhelmed by the amount of tasks to do, deadlines to remember and events to attend? Fret not, Willy is here to your rescue! Willy is a desktop app that helps you to manage your activities in the form of a list.


Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest willy.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your WillyBot.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. The image below is just an example containing some sample data.



Adding Normal Tasks: todo

Keep track of a new task by adding the task to your list of current activities.

Format: todo [TASK]

Example of usage: todo do Homework

Adding Tasks with deadline: deadline

Keep track of a new task with deadline by adding the task to your list of current activities.

Format: deadline [TASK] /by [DATE] [TIME]

Example of usage: deadline project /by 20/20/2020 18:00

Adding Tasks with duration: event

Keep track of a new event by adding the event to your list of current activities.

Format: event [TASK] /at [DATE] [TIME]

Example of usage: event project meeting /at 20/20/2020 18:00

Update task: done

Update the task you have done in your list of activities.

Format: done [TASK NUMBER]

Example of usage: done 1

Remove task: delete

Remove the task from your list of activities.

Format: delete [TASK NUMBER]

Example of usage: delete 1

Find a task: find

Find tasks in your list of activities that match with the keyword you input.

Format: find [KEYWORD(s)]

Example of usage: find read

Edit a task in the list: edit

Helps you replace a certain task with a new task in your list of activities.


Example of usage: edit 1 > todo sleep

Show list of tasks: list

Displays all the activities in your list of activities

Format: list

Example of usage: list

Command summary

Action Format, Examples
Add task Add todo task: todo [TASK]
e.g. todo homework
Add deadline task: deadline [TASK] /by [DATE] [TIME]
e.g. deadline project /by 20/20/2020 18:00
Add event task: event [TASK] /at [DATE] [TIME]
e.g. event project meeting /at 20/20/2020 18:00
Update Task done [TASK NUMBER]
e.g. done 3
Delete Task delete [TASK NUMBER]
e.g. delete 3
Edit edit [TASK NUMBER]
e.g. edit 3
Find find [KEYWORD(s)]
e.g. find read book
List list
*View List of Commands help
